Vivienne is a fully accredited Hypnotherapist having studied Advanced Hypnotherapy with the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Ireland.
Vivienne is a fully accredited Hypnotherapist having studied Advanced Hypnotherapy with the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Ireland.
She believes that the body and the mind cannot be separated, and that in order to truly heal we must work on both.
We all have deep rooted programming, running continuously within our subconscious mind, making us who we are, perceiving ourselves and the world around us in a certain way. In order to change this, we must change the programming, and that is what hypnosis does so very well.
Having began almost a decade ago, both working with and teaching different Energy healing modalities , Traditional Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki , Magnified Healing, Breath Work, and also Pellowah, it was time for Vivienne to really look into how the mind works, and it truly is fascinating.
What you believe, absolutely becomes your reality. And you can get trapped inside this way of thinking ! Fantastic, if you believe life is happy and joyous, not so pleasant if you believe it to be a place of hardship and obstacles.
She has also studied and trained in the Psychological Illusion Model, another way in which to access the demands of your thinking, and trained with the founder of the extremely effective KAM METHOD.
There are many beliefs that she can work with helping you get the change you want.
*Weight loss
*Quit Smoking
*Anxiety & Depression
*Fears & Phobias
* Emotional Issues
*Childhood Traumas
Please contact us to arrange a free 15 minute consultation