Julia is a fully-qualified licentiate holder in advanced study of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), specifically acupuncture and Chinese herbs, by the Acupuncture Foundation of Ireland.
TCM is a 5,000 year old medical practice that treats the body as a whole. Until recently, Julia worked as a phlebotomist/health care assistant in a busy GP surgery, where she became well versed in the language of western medicine. Julia brings this modern western understanding to her ancient eastern practice, augmenting her whole-body approach.
Julia specialises in fertility and women’s health as well as muscular-skeletal issues and pain. She can treat issues such as digestion, mental health, anxiety and depression, sinuses, hair loss, headaches and migraines. Julia has also helped people suffering from chronic illnesses such as Fibromyalgia, CFS, and Long Covid.
Julia also brings experience with energy work, which she can do solo or as a part of an acupuncture session. If a client wishes, she can tap into the client’s energy to guide both the acupuncture and overall healing. Thus, Julia brings knowledge and experience from distinctly separate disciplines and combines them into a deeply healing practice.
Julia is available on Tuesdays between 9 and 9.30pm.